
Afgang 2022: Luka Zabric

(Kandidat, Music Performance)

Akvariet, RMC
Leo Mathisens Vej 1
1437 Kbh K

The untold remains imagined. The untold regarded as broadly as possible, as any kind of subject matter, hinted or withheld, existing on the brink of perception by one's senses. What remains is perhaps the underlying continuity of awareness, keeping one's impression of the surroundings coherent, assigning them meaning, giving rise to cyclical waves of tacit tactility. The imagined carries away, blurs the boundary to the "outer", creates a breathable membrane.

It is in between the lines of the gestured, conveyed or told – with its multiplicity of details and nuances – that The untold remains, as an embedding fabric linking the manifested with the imagined.

Luka Zabric – alto saxophone

Hein Westgaard – guitar

Tomás Gubbins – guitar

Alfred Lykke Nielsen – guitar

Mads Morville – guitar


Photo: Andrea Zabric, 2022

13. - 23. juni

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